Consumer Dispute Resolution
Consumer class action
Consumer class action
- A multiple number of consumers who incur damages, for example through the purchase of goods, may file for litigation against the responsible company as a collective group through the auspices of a consumer organization.
· A consumer class action is launched in cases where a business operator violates consumers’ life, physical, and property rights and where that violation persists. In such a situation, a consumer organization, business organization or non-profit organization that satisfies certain criteria assumes the responsibility for filing for litigation on behalf of the consumers in order to ban or stop the violation of consumers’ rights (Article 70 of the Framework Act on Consumers).
- Unlike group actions which are granted damage relief, in consumer class actions, the ruling’s effectiveness extends to stopping the sale of a company’s product(s), correcting unfair provisions and prohibiting other types of illegal corporate behavior. For example, a consumer class action may demand that the court suspend the sale of products that are dangerous to children’s safety or correct unfair provisions.
· Therefore, if a consumer seeks to receive financial compensation, each individual consumer must file a separate civil litigation privately.