Consumer Dispute Resolution
Overview of civil litigation
Civil litigation
- Consumers who are unable to obtain damage relief through settlement, mediation, or payment order may ultimately file for civil litigation to resolve their disputes.
- Once a judgement has been finalized as the outcome of a civil litigation, the consumer and the business operator must implement all measures required by the ruling.
- Litigation involves many types of costs including stamp fees and transmission fees, which are basic costs, as well as witness expenses for calling up witnesses, verification and authentication expenses when necessary, lawyer appointment fees, and other expenses associated with secondary procedures. As mentioned above, litigation involves significant expenses. It is wise to consider all the costs and the estimated time required before launching a litigation.
Differences between civil mediation and civil litigation



Mediation costs less than litigation and also has the advantage of resolving disputes quickly and conveniently. Mediation is intrinsically different from litigation in the sense that it requires the agreement of all the parties concerned. It must be mediated by a third party and this also makes it different from a settlement which does not always call for mediation.



Litigation is a system in which both of the parties to a dispute must provide corroborative evidence on the factual relations over which they are quarreling and claiming their rights. Then the court decides which side is right and resolves the dispute by legal force.

Litigation aid system
- The courts operate a litigation aid system in which, if a person requests aid or if the court decides to do so, a person without adequate financial resources to pay for litigation expenses is exempted from paying them or granted a deferment thereof. However, this aid system does not apply in litigation cases where the person concerned is most likely to lose (Article 128(1) of the Civil Procedure Act).
- Any person who is considering filing a litigation, or who is currently involved in litigation, as well as foreigners and even corporations, may apply for litigation aid.