Consumer Dispute Resolution
- The consumer can notify the business operator of the damage and discuss compensation in accordance with the consumer compensation criteria set up by the business operator. When the business operator does not have such criteria, the issue can be resolved according to the relevant laws or the「 Consumer Dispute Resolution Criteria 」.
When the business operator refuses discussion
- If possible, request the business operator to provide in writing evidence or document that can justify the refusal.
- If the business operator does not provide such evidentiary document, the contents or important details of the conversation with the business operator should be jotted down. It can be used when requesting help through a dispute resolution agency.
- At the same time, express your intention to file a complaint with damage relief, dispute resolution agency, or related organization.
- If the business operator is ambivalent, or it does not provide a clear answer to the issue of compensation, set a date and request the business operator to reply by that date as to whether compensation can be expected.
- At the same time, when no reply is received, or the business operator refuses to provide compensation, notify the business operator of your intention to turn to organizations dedicated to damage compensation such as consumer damage relief, dispute resolution agency, and small claims courts to solve your problem.