Adolescent single-parent families areentitled to childcare expenses.
Childcare expenses of Adolescentsingle-parent families
A young single-parent family receives monthly support of KRW 350,000 per child (Article 12 of 「Single-Parent Family Support Act」 and pp.178-179 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
(Infants aged 0-1) KRW 400,000/month, (Children aged 2 and above) KRW 350,000/month
A family previously receiving monthly childcare expenses of KRW 210,000 receives the difference, which is KRW 190,000 or KRW 140,000 per month.
Supports are also provided to children living in young single-parent households supported with living expenses as the beneficiaries of National Basic Living Security.
A mother or father of an Adolescentsingle-parent family can receive support for his or her education expenses.
Educational support to AdolescentSingle-parents
The state orlocal governments may provide the following support depending on the choice ofthe Adolescent single-parents so that they can continue their studies. (Article17-2-(1) of the Single-parent Family Support Act; Article 9-2 of theEnforcement Regulations of the Single-parent Family Support Act)
Support formaintaining the school register in schools and support for educational expensesor a school qualification examination
Support foreducational expenses to academic ability-accredited lifelong educationalestablishments
Educational support for children with underachievement
Support for children care of Adolescent single-parents who are students
Support for a school qualification examination
As the head of a single-parent household with discontinued education, you are eligible to receive support for tuition fees, textbooks, school supplies, transportation, and educational materials worth up to an annual limit of KRW 1.54 million (maximum support for two years) if you register at a GED academy or similar institution (Article 17-2(1) of 「 Single-Parent Family Support Act」, Article 9-2 of 「Enforcement Rule of the Single-Parent Family Support Act」, and pp.184-190 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
(Tuition Fees) You can get reimbursed for tuition fees up to KRW 300,000 per month within the support limit when attending academies that offer GED subjects, alternative schools, or registered online courses at remote lifelong education facilities (p. 187 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
(Textbook Fees) Within the support limit, you are eligible to receive up to KRW 200,000 for purchasing study materials for GED preparation (p.187 of 「2024 Guidlines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
(School Supplies) You are eligible for a fixed amount of KRW 93,000 per year for school supplies within the support limit (p.187 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
(Transportation Fees) Adolescent single parents attending middle or high school are eligible to receive a fixed amount of KRW 30,000 per month for transportation within the support limit (p.188 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
(Uniform Purchase Fees) Support is available for the purchase of summer and winter school uniforms for adolescent single parents attending middle or high school within the support limit (p.188 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
High school education expenses
Any adolescentsingle-parent who is a recipient of National Basic Livelihood Security benefitis eligible for education benefits, and any adolescent single-parent whobelongs to 52%-60% of the standard median income section is eligible for thesingle-parent family education expense support administered by the Ministry ofEducation. (See pages 176 of 2021 Guideline on Single-Parent Family SupportProject)
Young single-parents who are the beneficiaries of the National Basic Living Security Act are eligible for education subsidiary and young single-parents with a range of 52% to 60% of the base median income are eligible for education expenses support (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education) (2022 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project, p. 175).
Self-support promotion allowance
Any adolescent single-parent who is a recipient of National Basic Livelihood Security benefit is eligible for education benefits, and any adolescent single-parent who belongs to 52%-60% of the standard median income section is eligible for the single-parent family education expense support administered by the Ministry of Education (Article 17-2(1) of 「Single-Parent Family Support Act」, Article 9-2 of 「Enforcement Rule of the Single-Parent Family Support Act」, and p.179 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
In the case ofschoolwork, documents that can prove enrollment in elementary, middle school,high school, university, or graduate school, GED learning, or learning atunauthorized alternative schools must be submitted.
In the case ofjob training, relevant documents that can prove enrollment in a private academy(including the enrollment period) must be submitted.
In the case ofemployment [including companies, internships, and part-time jobs (3 hours ormore per day, 10 days or more per month)], documents that prove employment suchas certificate of employment (work) or a payroll deposit account must besubmitted.
Adolescent single-parent families areentitled to financial support necessary for self-support.
How to apply for Adolescent single-parentself-support
Adolescentsingle-parent families who wish to receive the financial funds for creatingassets necessary for self-support shall submit the following documents(inclusive of electronic documents) to the mayor, governor, or the chief of Gunor Gu. (Article 4-1-(b) and Article 17-4 of theSingle-parent Family Support Act; Article 9-3 of the Enforcement Regulations ofthe Single-parent Family Support Act)
1. Welfarebenefit application form
2. Income andwealth report
3. Letter ofConsent for financial information disclosure
4. Medicalreport of Spouse (This is only applicable if raising a child with a spouse whohas lost his or her labor ability for a long time due to a mental or physicaldisability.)