To get the welfare benefit as a Single-parentFamily, you have to file an application for status as a Single-parent Family.
Application for Single-parent Family subsidy
- To getthe welfare benefits as a single-parent family, you have to qualify for single-parentfamily status and file an application with the resident community center ofyour domicile or on the bokjiro website (Article11(1) of the Single-Parent Family Support Act and Article 12(1) of theEnforcement Decree of the Single-Parent Family Support Act).
Eligibleperson for subsidy or relative of such person
Employeeengaged in Single-parent Family welfare facilities
Governmentofficer in charge of social welfare affairs
School Teacherof the child of eligible beneficiary
* Social welfare officers may, with the consent of the individuals, apply ex officio for support for eligible households who reside in areas under their jurisdiction to ensure that no one in need of support is overlooked (p.20 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」 by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family).
The decisionon the eligibility shall be notified to the applicant within 30 days afterapplication. (Article 12-(4) of the Enforcement Decree of the Single-parentFamily Support Act)
File Application
Integrated investigation and management
Decision of subsidy eligibility
Eup, Myeon, Dong (Administration Authorities)
Income, Wealth, Ability to work
Stop subsidy
Management of Change
Pay service
Stop pay
Management on change of income and wealth
Pay disbursement
Documents to be submitted
Individuals who wish to apply for single-parent family support must submit the following documents (including electronic documents) to the single-parent family officer at the community center which have jurisdiction in their area of residence (see Article 12(2) of 「Enforcement Decree of the Single-Parent Family Support Act」, Article 12 of 「Enforcement Rule of the Single-Parent Family Support Act」, and pp.33-35 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Program Project」).
Social welfareservice and welfare pay (change) application
Income andwealth report
※ Among the income and wealth items, automaticgovernment public data reportable items such as interest income, pensionincome, land, building, boats, standing tree, aircraft, fishery right,financial assets, and debts from financial institutions are not included.
Letter ofConsent for financial information disclosure
Application for the Self-Independence of Young Single-Parents (only applicable to young single-parents)
· A copy of application for verification of biological birth (for unmarried couples and children whose birth registration is underway)
· A confirmation stating the duty to report (if necessary)
LeaseAgreement (only if applicable)
Certificate ofalien registration (only if applicable)
Letter ofproxy and ID certificates
Designation of welfare benefits receivingaccount
At the requestof the welfare beneficiary, government shall transfer the welfare benefits tothe account of the beneficiary. (Article 12-5-(1) of the Single-parent FamilySupport Act)
If it is notpossible to transfer welfare benefits into an account for receiving welfarebenefits due to information and communication problems or other inevitablegrounds, the welfare benefits may be provided in cash. (Article 12-5-(1) of theSingle-parent Family Support Act; Article 14-2-(2),(3)of the Enforcement Decree of the Single-parent Family Support Act)
If any personwants to receive welfare benefits to the welfare benefits receiving account,such person shall file an application, submitting the following documents tothe relevant government authorities such as mayor, governor, or the chief ofGun or Gu. (Article 14-2-1of the Enforcement Decree of Single-parent Family Support Act; Article 7 of theEnforcement Regulations of the Single-parent Family Support Act)
Applicationfor welfare benefits receiving account (inclusive of electronic document)(Attachment Form No. 3 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Single-parentFamily Support Act)
Copy of bankbook showing the account number