ASingle-parent Family is designated after considering the levels of income andwealth.
Thescope of eligible beneficiaries
The eligiblebeneficiaries for Single-parent Family support are designated annually by theMinister of Gender Quality and Family, considering factors such as the basemedian income, family income, and the wealth level of the beneficiary accordingto Article 2-11 of the National Basic Living Security Act. (Article 5 of theSingle-parent Family Support Act; Article 3 of the Enforcement Regulations ofthe Single-parent Family Support Act)
Thescope of calculation of the recognized income
For subsidy treatment, a single-parent family is considered as a separate household so only the income and wealth of an eligible member will be calculated for the recognized income (p.57 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」 by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family).
When the parentsor siblings of the Single-parent Family live together in the house which isowned by a Single-parent Family, only the income and wealth of an eligiblemember of the Family will be calculated for the subsidy treatment.
When the membersof the Single-parent Family live in a house owned by other relatives or parentsas a cohabitant, only the income and wealth of an eligible member ofthe Family will be calculated for the subsidy treatment.
Therecognized income eligible for the family subsidy
The decision on eligibility is made after confirming that the recognized family income of a single-parent family falls under the following in comparison with the standard median income by household scale (p.57 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
1. Single-parentfamilies and grandparent-grandchildren families (Father or mother is 25 yearsold or older)
Selectionstandards (to whom single-parent family certificate is issued): 63% or less ofthe standard median income
Standards forprovision of welfare benefits: 63% or less of the standard median income
2. Adolescentsingle-parent families (father or mother is 24 years old or younger)
Selectionstandards (to whom single-parent family certificate is issued): 72% or less ofthe standard median income
Standards forprovision of welfare benefits: 60% or less of the standard median income
The following is the 2024 guideline for recognized income that is eligible for the family subsidy (p.57 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
(Unit: won)
Single-parent family; Grandparents-grandchildrenFamily
63% of base median family income
Young single-parent family
63% of base median family income
72% of base median family income
Thereis a special exception for eligibility determination on the Single-parentFamily from village of Agriculture or Fishery.
In the selectionof Single-parent Family from villages specializing in agriculture or fishery,the income and wealth guideline prescribed by the Minister of Gender Equalityand Family under Article 3 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Single-parentFamily Support Act can be applied in a different manner within the permissiblelimit of the budget. (Article 26 of the Special Act on Improvement of PublicHealth and Welfare of Residents in Agricultural and Fishing Villages; Article10 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Special Act on Improvement of PublicHealth and Welfare of Residents in Agricultural and Fishing Villages)
※ For moredetailed information, please contact the Community Center for your residence.
Thecalculation method of recognized income for Grandparents-grandchildren Familiesand children exceeding the age limit and other cases is shown as follows.
Incomecalculation guideline of Grandparents-grandchildren Family
Subsidy is available when a grandfather or grandmother raises a child that cannot get actual support from parents for any reason such as military service, divorce, abandonment, missing, death, or long-term economic inability of parents due to unemployment or other causes, and a certain condition pertaining to the recognized income level of parents and grandfather or grandmother is satisfied. That is, the income does not exceed 63% of base median income in case of parent income, and it does not exceed 63% in case of grandparent income. (Nonetheless, the land and housing of actual dwelling will be excluded from the calculation of the wealth of the grandparents.) (p. 58 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
Only the house ofactual dwelling will be excluded. Houses that are not used for actual dwellingpurposes shall be counted in the wealth calculation.
The income andwealth of the mother or father with the parental right shall be reviewed basedon the evaluation guideline.
In the case thatthere is no economic ability, the member of family will be counted as one,whether or not the parents are alive. The income and wealth of both parentswill be confirmed to calculate the recognized income.
※ The followingapplies when the grandmother from the maternal or paternal side cares for onechild of a father with the parental right.
The father is responsible for the parental care of his son since thefamily is registered as an individual household on the resident registration.The father’s income calculation will be based on a 2-person family household(In the case of another child, this will be a 3-person family).
If the father’s income is 63% or less than the base median income, the income of the grandmother, based on the same household (4-person family,without including land and house under the general assets) shall be 63% or less of the base median income to qualify for subsidy.
※ The followingapplies when the grandfather from either the maternal or paternal side takescare of 3 grandchildren on behalf of the parents with parental right who areunemployed for 6 months or longer.
The income of parents who are filed on the resident registration as anindividual household shall be confirmed for qualification. (For a single parentwith 3 children, their household will be considered as a 4-person family.)
If the family income is 63% or less of the base median income, the income of the grandfather, based on the same household (4-person family,without including land and house under the general assets) shall be 63% or less of the base median income to qualify for subsidy. This is to prevent parents from simply transferring their domicile registration to fraudulently receive subsidies.
Incomecalculation guideline for children exceeding the age limit
Single-parent mother with a child younger than 18 or single-parent father with a child younger than 18 (22 if the child is an enrolled student; in case of a student enrolled after military service, the military service period shall be added in the calculation of age) shall be qualified as beneficiaries, but the recognized family income inclusive of the income and wealth of the child (married children are excluded) exceeding the age limit, if any, shall not exceed 63% of the base median income. (pp.59-60 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
The income andwealth of an unmarried child exceeding the age limit will be added to thehousehold income, regardless of whether he or she shares the same livelihood orlives with the family together (except householdsentitled to special self-sufficiency support benefits).
The income andwealth of a married child is not considered in the selection of a Single-parentFamily.
In case a childexceeding the age limit is in military service, a public service worker, orfull-time reserve force, such child shall be counted as a member of thehousehold.
In case of alegal proceeding for declaration of disappearance of a child exceeding the agelimit or the disappearance is confirmed by the city, county or districtgovernment (classified as non-domicile person, Cancellation of the residentregistration by administrative decision, etc.), his or her income will beexcluded from the calculation of family income.
In case the single-parent family uses or benefits from the income and property of children, who shall not be included as an eligible member of the family, such income and property shall be added to the income calculation. (p.60 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
Incomecalculation guideline for the spouse in military service or prison
In case a spouse cannot work for 6 months or longer due to a mental or physical handicap, the spouse concerned shall be included as a qualified member for subsidy, provided the wealth of this spouse is added to the recognized family income (see p.61 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
In case where a spouse pertains to one of the following cases, this spouse shall not be included in the income calculation. Nevertheless, in case the single-parent family uses or benefits from the income and property of the spouse, such income and property shall be added to the income calculation (see p.61 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
Spouse inmilitary service (including public service worker, full-time reserve force)
A declaration ofdisappearance of a person is made by the court for the spouse or in legalproceeding.
A person whosespouse is in a jail, detention center, protective custody facility, etc. for 6months or longer
Therecognized income shall be the sum of income valuation amount and the incomeconversion value of property.
Recognized Income = Income valuation amount +Income conversion value of Property
* Income valuation amount= ① Actual Income-② particular expenditure by household type-③ Incomededuction for wages and salaries
* Incomeconversion value of Property = (① Property-② Value of Basic Property-③ Debt)×④ IncomeConversion Rate
Incomevaluation amount
The income valuation amount* is the net amount of actual income after deduction of particular expenditure by household type and income deduction for wages and salaries (*Income valuation amount = ① Actual Income- ② Particular expenditure by household type-③ Income deduction for wages and salaries) (p.58 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
In considerationof the characteristics of Single-parent Families, the income of the personresponsible for child care will not be taken into account.
Nevertheless, incase of a Grandparents-grandchildren Family, the income and wealth of thechild’s parents will be taken into account when the parent of a child has lostthe economic capability to work for a long time.
① Actual Income (see p.80 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-parent Family Support Project」)
Wage and Salary
√ Incomefrom full-time regular employment, income from daily base employment, incomefrom self-support work, income from public sector job, etc.
Business Income
√ Agriculturalincome, forestry income, fishery income, other business income
Property Income
√ Rental Income,interest Income, annuity Income
Transfer Income
√ Private TransferIncome, Sustenance Allowance, Public Transfer Income
Income confirmedby the Supporting Agency
※ The following items are excluded from theactual income calculation: Money and other valuables which are not deemed to bepaid regularly (money and other valuables paid irregularly such as severancepay, reward, compensation, etc. or labor encouragement subsidies and child caresubsidies under the 「Restriction ofSpecial Taxation Act」); subsidies forchild care and school expenses that are provided in return for the use ofinfant care, education, and other services of similar nature; other money andvaluables similar to subsidies; and monetary subsidies that a local governmentpays the annuitant or the low-income bracket with an unstable livelihood inaccordance with the ordinance.
② Particular expenditure by household type (pp. 83-84 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
The followingmoney and other valuables provided for physical disabilities
√ Handicapallowance, disability child allowance, and protection allowance
√ Base andadditional pay of handicap annuity
√ Amount of basicbenefit and supplementary benefit pursuant to the Act on Pension of Personswith Disabilities among the allowances under Article 7(7) of the Act onAssistance to Patients Suffering from Actual or Potential Aftereffects ofDefoliants, Etc. and Establishment of Related Organizations
√ Therehabilitation subsidy amount [which the recipient of the rehabilitationsubsidy spends for rehabilitation (including medical treatment and care),exceeding the rehabilitation subsidy is regarded and deducted as medicalexpenses that are spent continuously for more than 6 months due to medicaltreatment, care and rehabilitation for chronic diseases, etc.] pursuant to theGuarantee of Automobile Accident Compensation Act
√ Monthly payment under Article 30 of the Guidelines for Implementation of Athlete Welfare Support Project, out of performance rewards under the Enforcement Decree of the Athlete Welfare Act, provided to a registered member of a sports organization affiliated with the Korea Paralympic Committee
The followingmoney and other valuables provided for disease
√ Medical expensesspent continuously for more than 6 months due to medical treatment, care andrehabilitation for chronic diseases, etc.
√ Medical expensespursuant to the expenses support project for patients with rare and incurablediseases: Breathing aid rental fee, cough assist rental fee, nursing fee, andspecial diet expense
√ Living expensesubsidy for Hansen’s disease (150,000 won per month)
The followingmoney and other valuables provided for rearing
√ Childcareexpenses and additional expenses pursuant to the Single-Parent Family SupportAct
√ Self-supportpromotion subsidy for Adolescent single-parent
√ Additionalbenefits for households headed by a child (where a child under the age of 18 ismaking a living)
√ Subsidies fordependents (200,000 won per month) pursuant to the Guarantee of AutomobileAccident Compensation Act
√ Child benefits pursuant to 「Special Act on Domestic Adoption」
√ User fees forchildcare facilities (less than 150,000 won) to households of farmers andfishermen
The followingmoney and other valuables provided for distinguished services to the State
√ Livingarrangement allowances for persons of distinguished services to the State,persons of distinguished services to independence, persons entitled toveteran’s benefits, and persons of distinguished services to sports
√ Honorary warveteran allowances equal to or less than 20% of the standard median income perhousehold
√ Subsidies for the life stabilization of (grand) children of the persons of distinguished services to national independence which are newly established under subparagraph 1 of Article 30 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment of Persons of Distinguished Service to Independence (KRW 345,000 per month for households with less than 70% of the standard median income, KRW 478,000 per month for households with less than 50% of the standard median income)
③ Deduction of wage and salary income
In the calculation of Single-parent Family income, a certain ratio of the wage and salary earned by the subsidy beneficiary of single-parent family shall be deducted (p. 85 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
Beneficiary for income deduction
Deductible Income
Deduction Method and deduction ratio
ㅇ Disabled Person (registered)
Participating income of the self-support job for disabled person and for mentally diseased patient
200,000 won deductible and additional deduction of 50% applicable to the remainder
ㅇ An elementary/middle/high school student aged 25 or older (those born on and before December 31, 1998 enrolled in elementary, middle, or high school)
Wage and salary/ Business Income
200,000 won deductible and additional deduction of 30% applicable to the remainder
ㅇ Recipient aged 29 or younger (those born on and after December 31, 1994) ㅇ College Student
Wage and salary/ Business Income
400,000 won deductible and additional deduction of 30% applicable to the remainder
ㅇ Students preparing for independence for less than 5 years after leaving child facilities and the termination of foster care
Wage and salary/ Business Income
600,000 won deductible and additional deduction of 30% applicable to the remainder
ㅇ Elderly person aged 75 or older (those born on and before December 31, 1949) ㅇ Disabled Person (registered) ㅇ Refugee from North Korea
Wage and salary/ Business Income
200,000 won deductible and additional deduction of 30% applicable to the remainder
ㅇ An elderly person aged between 65 and 74 ㅇ A woman pregnant or gave birth to a baby less than 6 months ㅇ Public service worker, full-time reserve force (however, non-taxable earned income, such as salaries from alternative military service, is not subject to income calculation and deduction)
Wage and salary
ㅇ Administrative internship participant at a government administrative agency or a public agency
Administrative intern participation income
Incomeconversion value of Property
Income conversion value of Property = (①Property - ② Value of Basic Property ③ Debt) × ④ Income Conversion Rate (p.147 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
① Property: Residential property, general property, financial asset, automobile (pp. 115-137 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
General property
√ Land (Rice paddy,field, forestry), Building and structure (building, facility), and house
√ Security depositmoney for lease, commercial building (Inclusive of key deposit money)
√ Ship and aircraft
√ Cattle, seed, ormovable asset of 1,000,000 won or more in value (exclusive of assistive devicesfor the disabled)
√ Asset of standingtree
√ Fishery Rights
√ Housing projectmember's right to residency, ownership of a lot in a building, membership (golfcourse, condominium, general sport facilities, horse riding, yacht, etc.),fishery right, etc.
√ Among automobiles pursuant to Article 124 of the Local TaxAct, the automobile applying 4.17% per month, which is the income conversionrate for general property
√ Single detached house, multi-unit housing, quasi housing (Dormitory, accommodation for examination takers, Silver welfare housing, officetel, etc.)
√ Security money (including jeonse deposit) for single detached house, multi-unit housing, and quasi housing
√ Retail stores, beauty parlors, or other stores of basic necessities that are confirmed by the mayor or the chief of Gun or Gu to be used by a recipient or a person under duty to support residential purposes.
※ Single detached house, multi-unit housing, quasi housing, and appurtenant land without security money shall be recognized under subparagraph 1.
√ The value ofresidential property for the purpose of Single-parent Family subsidy is limitedto 100 million won for urban areas, 68 million won for medium and small city,and 38 million won for agricultural or fishery villages.
√ All of the residential property of the person responsiblefor care (limited to Grandparents-grandchildren Family) shall be counted asresidential property without any limitation.
Financial Asset
√ Cash andfinancial assets pursuant to Article 2 of the Act on Real Name FinancialTransactions and Confidentiality
√ Insuranceproducts pursuant to Article 2 of the Insurance Business Act
· Automobile
√ Passenger car,mini bus, cargo vehicle, special purpose vehicle, 2 wheel car
② Basic Property Value
The property value considered for basic living needs shall be deductible from the calculation of income conversion (p.148 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
Metropolitan area, Sejong, and Changwon
Other regions
99 million won
80 million won
77 million won
53 million won
Deduction shall be made in the order of residential property, general property, and financial asset. If any basic property remains after such deduction, no deduction will be made on the automobile value, which is applied with the income exchange rate for 100% property (p.148 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
Example: An eligible beneficiary lives in an urbanarea, owning residential property and general asset valued at 140 million wonand 30 million won respectively.
1. Income conversion monthly ratio 4.17% of general property shall first beapplied to the sum of 30 million won, plus the 20 million won portion whichexceeds the urban residential property limit of 120 million won.
2. Metropolis basic property value of 69 million won is deducted from urbanresidential property limit of 120 million won.
3. Income conversion monthly ratio 1.04 % shall be applied to the balanceof 51 million won after the deduction of the basic property value from theresidential property.
③ Debts
Debt encompasses unpaid amounts such as rental deposits, loans from financial institutions, accumulated amounts from home equity conversion mortgages and farmland pensions, loans from non-financial institutions as determined and announced by the Minister of Health and Welfare, loans from legally established cooperative associations, and private loans verified by the court (pp.144-147 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」).
√ The debt of security deposits, loans from financialinstitutions, and accumulated amounts of housing pension and farmland pension:Full deduction
√ Other loans fromnon-financial institutions, loans from mutual aid associations pursuant tolaws, and the unpaid balance of bonds confirmed by the court: Deducting thedebt for which the usage is identified by identifying the use of debt
④ Income conversion ratio (p.148 of 「2024 Guidelines for Single-Parent Family Support Project」)
Income Conversion Ratio
The beneficiary
The person responsible for child
Residential Property
Monthly 1.04%
Monthly 1.04%
General Property
Monthly 2.08%
Monthly 4.17%
Financial Asset
Monthly 6.26%
Automobile value which is applied with the income exchange rate for 100% property
Monthly 100%
※ You can carryout a self-test of your eligibility when you click the homepage at andenter simple income property items.