Loan Agreement
Purpose of Civil Litigation
Purpose of Civil Litigation
- Purpose of "civil litigation" is to protect any person's right and to preserve law and order of the country.
- A creditor shall be entitled to claim against the debtor for his or her repayment when it is due, and if the debtor fails to make such repayment, the creditor may commence legal proceedings against the debtor.
- The type of litigation in such a circumstance shall be a Monetary Claim for Payment.
※If the claim amount is KRW 30 million or less, you should preferably use the small claim procedure
Jurisdiction of Civil Litigation
- Civil litigation proceedings shall be issued before the court in the location of the defendant's registered address. However, if such address is unknown to the claimant, the location may be the defendant's place of abode secondarily, and if such place of abode is also unknown to the claimant, the location may be the defendant's address that was last known to the claimant. (Article 3 of the Civil Procedure Act)
- Nevertheless, if the civil litigation proceedings are concerned with a property right against the defendant (e.g. a claim for repayment under a Consumer Cash Loan Agreement), the claimant may issue the claim before the court located in the place of the subject matter of the claim or those of the security, or any seizable property of the defendant. (Article 11 of the Civil Procedure Act)
※You may find locations of the Courts at: <Court of Korea-courts>.