Loan Agreement
Purpose of Limitation Period
Purpose of Limitation Period
- A "Limitation Period" means the period of time within which a party who has a right to claim must issue a claim. Unless the party issues a claim within the limitation period, his or her right to claim shall be extinguished.
· The purpose of the limitation period is to protect social stability, which has long been maintained, and to exclude a person who makes it difficult for the evidences to be preserved by not exercising his or her right to legal remedy. This principle of law originates from a maxim of equity: "Equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights." (Supreme Court Decision, November 6, 1976, 76 Da 148, Unanimous En Banc Decision)
- If the limitation period expires, the creditor's right to claim shall also be extinguished. (Supreme Court Decision, January 13, 1966, 65 Da 2445)
· If the principal debt is extinguished due to expiration of the limitation period, any right to the interest, which would have been accrued, shall also be extinguished. (Article 183 of the Civil Act)