Loan Agreement
Debtor's Repayment
Meaning of Repayment
- "Repayment" means an act to discharge debt obligation, repayment in terms of an Agreement for Consumer Cash Loan means that the debtor's making payment of the borrowed money back to the creditor.
Tender of Repayment
- Repayment shall be made by way of actual tender in strict accordance with the tenor of debt obligation. (Article 460 of the Civil Act)
· "Tender in strict accordance with the tenor of the debt obligation" means a tender of the borrowed money prepared for the purpose of making repayment by the debtor to the creditor.
· However, if the creditor refuses to accept any advance repayment or if any act of the creditor is required for making repayment, it shall be sufficient for the debtor to give the creditor a peremptory notice that the debtor is ready and willing to make repayment. (Article 460 of the Civil Act)
- A tender of repayment shall discharge the debtor from debt obligation for non-performance of such obligation as from the time of such tender. (Article 461 of the Civil Act)
Place of Repayment
- If the place of repayment has not been agreed by the parties, repayment shall be made at the place of current address of the creditor. However, repayment in relation to commercial transaction, the place of repayment shall be the business address of the creditor. (Article 467(2) of the Civil Act)
Bearing Expenses of Repayment
- Unless otherwise specifically agreed by the parties, the expenses of repayment shall be borne by the debtor. However, if the expense of repayment is increased by changing the address of the creditor or by his or her any other act, the amount of such increase shall be borne by the creditor. (Article 473 of the Civil Act)
· For example, expenses of repayment include bank fees for remittance and any travel expenses incurred by the debtor who had to travel from Busan to Seoul for making repayment.