Factory Establishment
Definition of Factory
The term "factory" stands for a place of business for conducting the manufacturing business according to the Korea Standard Industry Code announced by the Commissioner of the Statistics Korea, equipped with manufacturing facilities such as buildings or structures, machinery or equipment which constitutes the manufacturing process, and subsidiary facilities (Article 2.-1 of the 「Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act」 and Article 2.(1) of the Enforcement Decree of the 「Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act」).
A factory includes manufacturing facilities, subsidiary facilities,madatory facilities for conducting a manufacturing business, and their sites. As special types of factories, there are knowledge industry centers and urban factories (Article 2.-13 and 28. of the 「Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act」, Article 2.(2) of the enforcement decree of the 「Industrial Cluster Development and Factory Establishment Act」).