Foreign Students
Foreign students who can work part-time
Foreign students who can work part-time
- A foreign student with student (D-2) or general trainee (D-4) status of stay who intends to work part-time shall have a certain level of Korean language proficiency and obtain confirmation from the school personnel in charge of international students affairs (Refer to Article 20 of the Immigration Control Act and page 37 of the Ministry of Justice Korea Immigration Service's Foreign Residents' Manual, Jan 2024).
As for language trainees, 6 months shall have passed from the date of immigration status change (date of entry, for visa holders). Language trainees enrolled in elementary, middle, and high schools shall not be eligible (expected graduates shall be eligible, though) for part-time work permit even if they hold a D-4 visa.
- Those who received an exceptional residence permit for failure to meet the graduation requirements due to insufficient credits earned, etc. after elapse of the period of study (2 years for an associate bachelor's degree; 4 years for a bachelor's degree) are excluded from the permit (Refer to page 37 of the Foreign Residents' Manual)
※ However, those who have completed the master's or doctoral coursework and are preparing for thesis may also be granted permit for part-time employment, except in cases of obvious graduation delays due to lack of diligent studies, such as insufficient credits earned or poor attendance).
- The above permission shall be limited to 30 hours a week, and the provision on unlimited permission during holidays and vacations shall be inapplicable (Refer to page 37 of the Foreign Residents' Manual, August 2023)
※ A foreign student working part-time without permission by the Minister of Justice may be deported or recommended to depart voluntarily from the ROK, and shall imprisoned with labor for not more than three years or fined up to KRW 30 million (Articles 46.(1).7, 67.(1).1 and Subparagraph 5 of Article 94 of the 「Immigration Control Act」).
Permitted part-time areas
- The example of fields where international students may work part-time are as follows (See pages 38 of the Foreign Residents' Manual, August 2023).
1. General interpretation and translation, food service assistance, general office work assistance, etc.
2. Activities as a safety assistant or play assistant in English Kids' Cafes and English Camps after submitting a publicly confirmed criminal record certificate issued by their national government and a physical examination certificate issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice.
3. Tourist guide assistance and duty-free store sales assistance, etc.
However, even when intending to work in a field where the above part-time employment is permitted, one shall meet the qualification requirements if he/she is employed for a job that requires certain qualification requirements according to domestic laws.
4. Manufacturing industry is permitted as an exception for individuals who have achieved a TOPIK Level 4 (or completed KIIP Level 4) or above (in principle, limited to the manufacturing and construction sectors under business registration certificates)
5. Part-time or full-time seasonal work.
6. Internship activities in the form of training and internships in permitted professional fields (E-1 – E-7) for students in degree programs (D-2) during their vacation period.
※ However, if one is seeking employment in a profession that requires certain qualifications according to domestic law, they must meet those qualifications.
Permitted part-time hours and locations

College type

School year


Proficiency in Korean


Korea Immigration&Integration Program (KIIP)

King Sejong Institute

When to start

Permitted hours

Authorized college, benefits for students with good grades




Language training program



①TOPIK Level 2

②KIIP Level 2 or above or pre-assessment score of 41 or higher

③ King Sejong Institute Intermediate 1 or above)

Not met

6 months later

10 hours

10 hours


20 hours

25 hours

Associate degree


①TOPIK Level 3

②KIIP Level 3 or above or pre-assessment score of 61 or higher

③ King Sejong Institute Intermediate 1 or above)

Not met


10 hours

10 hours




25 hours

No limit

30 hours


Freshman - sophomore

Not met


10 hours


10 hours


25 hours

No limit

30 hours

Junior - senior






①TOPIK Level 4

②KIIP Level 4 or above or pre-assessment score of 81 or higher

③ King Sejong Institute Intermediate 2 or above)

Not met


10 hours


10 hours


25 hours

No limit

30 hours




Not met



15 hours

15 hours



30 hours

No limit


35 hours

Source: Foreign Residents' Manual (p. 37)

※ If you want to receive accurate consultation in accordance with the latest guideline, please call ☎1345 or visit the competent immigration office or the government office after making a visiting appointment.