If a foreigner intends to engage in activities different from the original purpose of entry, they must obtain a visa modification permit.
Visa modification permit
- Foreigners residing in the Republic of Korea who wish to engage in activities that differ from their current residence qualifications must obtain a visa modification permit in advance (Article 24(1) of the Immigration Act).
※ The commonly used term “visa modification” corresponds to the term “change of residence qualification” in the Immigration Act. For convenience in this content, we will primarily use the more colloquially common term “visa modification.”
How to apply
- The application for visa modification permit must be made by the individual. However, if the applicant is under 17 and does not apply personally, their parents, de facto guardians, siblings, identity guarantors, or other cohabitants must apply for the visa modification permit (Article 79(3) of the Immigration Act; Article 89(1) and (2) of the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Act).
- Foreigners wishing to obtain a visa modification permit must submit the application form for change of residency qualification, attaching the documents specified for each residence qualification, to the Immigration Office head, office head, or branch office head (Article 30(1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Act).
- Foreigners with diplomatic, official, or treaty-related residency qualifications, or those who fall under any of the following categories and wish to change their status, must obtain a residence qualification modification permit from the Minister of Justice within 30 days of the status change (Articles 24(2) and 31(1) of the Immigration Act; Article 45(1) of the Enforcement Rules of the Immigration Act):
· Staff of foreign missions in Korea (including embassies and consulates) and their families;
· Individuals and their families enjoying privileges and immunities similar to diplomats or consuls under agreements with the government of the Republic of Korea; or
· Individuals invited by the Republic of Korea government who are engaged in important tasks in diplomacy, industry, or defense, their families, and others whom the Minister of Justice deems necessary to exempt from foreigner registration.
Online visit reservation
- To apply for a visa change, you must make an online visit reservation to the Immigration and Foreigner Agency, Immigration and Foreigner Office, branch of the Immigration and Foreigner Agency, or branch of the Immigration and Foreigner Office. However, foreigners designated by the Minister of Justice, such as pregnant women and disabled individuals, are not required to make an online reservation (see Subparagraph 4 of Article 34-2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Act).
※ Online visit reservations for visa change applications can be made on the <
Hi Korea website>.
Payment of fees
- When applying for a visa change permit, a fee of KRW 100,000 must be paid. However, for those with permanent residency (F-5), a fee of KRW 200,000 must be paid (Subparagraph 5 of Article 72 of the Enforcement Rules of the Immigration Act).
Disadvantages will be incurred if you obtain a permit without authorization or through fraudulent means.
Cancelation or modification of modification permit
- Foreigners who fall under any of the following can receive a cancelation or modification of their visa modification permit from the Minister of Justice (Article 89(1) of the Immigration Act):
· If the identity guarantor withdraws their guarantee or if there is no identity guarantor;
· If it is revealed that the permit was obtained through falsehood or other fraudulent means;
· If permit conditions are violated;
· If significant reasons arise that make it impossible to maintain the permitted status due to changed circumstances; or
· If the Immigration Act or any other law is violated to a significant extent or if a lawful order from an immigration official is violated.
Sanctions for not obtaining permission
- Foreigners residing in the Republic of Korea who engage in activities corresponding to a different residence qualification without obtaining a visa modification permit from the Minister of Justice in advance can be forcibly deported from the Republic of Korea (Article 46(1)8 of the Immigration Act).
- Additionally, foreigners who commit the above violation can be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 3 years or fined up to KRW 30 million (Subparagraph 16 of Article 94 of the Immigration Act).