Electronic Financial Crimes
Definition and characteristics of “electronic financial crimes”
Concept of “electronic financial fraud”
- "Telecommunications-based financial fraud" refers to any of the following deliberate acts to defraud a person of his/her property or make a third person take property gains through deceiving or extorting activities. Such acts include feigning the provision, arrangement, and brokerage of loans feigning the provision, arrangement, and brokerage of loans are included whereas feigning the supply of goods or services, etc. is excluded (Subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the “Special Act on the Prevention of Loss Caused by Telecommunications-based Financial Fraud and Refund for Loss”).
· Inducing a person to remit or transfer money
· Remitting or transferring money after extracting personal information
- “Electronic financial transaction" refers to a transaction in which a finance company provides a user with a financial product or service via electronic devices and such user, without meeting or communicating directly with employees of finance companies, uses such product or service via automated means (Subparagraph 2 of Article 2-2 of the “Special Act on the Prevention of Loss Caused by Telecommunications-based Financial Fraud and Refund for Loss” and Subparagraph 1 of Article 2of the “Electronic Financial Transactions Act”).