Sale and purchase of real estate
Right of the seller or the purchaser

Right of the seller 

Right of the purchaser 

The seller is entitled to request the price of purchase and sale on the contract date (Article 568 (1) of the Civil Act). 

The purchaser is entitled to demand that the ownership of real estate be transferred to him/her (Articles 568 and 569 of the Civil Act). 

The purchaser is entitled to demand that the seller cooperate in applying for the registration of the transfer of ownership (Article 23 (1) of the Registration Of Real Estate Act). 

Even after ownership has already been transferred to a purchaser, if there is a defect in the real estate, the latter is entitled to rescind the contract (Articles 580 (1) and former part of 575 (1) of the Civil Act). 

Where the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved for the reason of defects in real estate, compensation for damages may be claimed (Article 580 (1) and latter part of 575 (1) of the Civil Act). 

Duties of the seller and the purchaser

Duty of the seller 

Duty of the purchaser 

The seller shall transfer the object of sale to the purchaser, and this shall be performed concurrently with the duty of the purchaser to pay the purchase price (Articles 568 and 569 of the Civil Act). 

The purchaser shall pay the purchase price to the seller on the day when the contract is made (Article 568 (1) of the Civil Act). 

Even after ownership has already been transferred to the purchaser, if there is a defect in the real estate, the seller shall bear a certain liability to the purchaser (Articles 580 (1) and former part of 575 (1) of the Civil Act). 

The seller shall cooperate with the purchaser in applying for the registration of the transfer of ownership (Article 23 (1) of the Registration Of Real Estate Act).