Registration of inheritance
Registration of inheritance
- Once the inheritee commences, an inheritor succeeds to the blanket rights and duties on the property of the inheritee, and thus, the ownership of the real estate property will be transferred to the inheritor (Article 1005 of the “Civil Act”).
· However, in order to dispose of the real estate property, the transfer of ownership must be registered (Article 187 of the “Civil Act”).
- Only the inheritor is required to apply for the registration of inheritance (Article 23 (3) of the “Registration of Real Estate Act”).
· If the cause of registration is inheritance, the inheritor is required to provide information demonstrating the inheritance as an attachment to the registry (Article 24 of the “Registration of Real Estate Act” and Article 46 (1) 1 of the “Real Estate Registration Rules”).
· In this case, if there are multiple inheritors, the information must contain the share of inheritance of each inheritor of the property jointly owned and register the transfer (Article 48 (4) of the “Registration of Real Estate Act”).