Separation of the inherited property
Concept of the separation of the inherited property
- The separation of the inherited property refers to separating the inherited property from the inherent property of the inheritor at the request of an obligee in inheritance, or a testamentary donee, or an obligee of an inheritor after the commencement of inheritance (Article 1045 (1) of the “Civil Act”).
- This is to prevent the inheritor’s obligee from being disadvantaged and if the inherited liability is greater than the inherited property and to prevent the obligees in inheritance and testamentary donees from being disadvantaged if the inherent property of the inheritor is greater than his/her liability, when the inherited property is mixed with the inheritor's inherent property.
- An obligee in inheritance, or a testamentary donee, or an obligee of an inheritor may apply to the family court having jurisdiction over the place where the inheritance commenced for the separation of the inherited property (Article 1045 (1) of the “Civil Act” and Article 44 (1) 6 of the “Family Litigation Act”).
- The inheritor becomes the other party who is entitled to apply for the separation of inherited property and if the inheritor is unknown, the administrator of the inherited property becomes the other party.
· If there are multiple inheritors, all of them must be the other parties.
Period of application
- The application must be filed within three months from the commencement of inheritance, that is, three months from the death of the inheritee (Article 1045 (1) of the “Civil Act”).
- An application may be filed with the court for the separation of property even after three months from the death of the inheritee, until such time as an inheritor has not accepted or renounced the pertinent inheritance (Article 1045 (2) of the “Civil Act”).This is because the acceptance or renunciation of inheritance must be made within three months from the date on which the inheritor becomes aware of the commencement of inheritance (Article 1019 (1) of the “Civil Act”), it may be longer than 3 months from the commencement of inheritance (date of death of the inheritee).
Place to apply for (court of jurisdiction)
- The application for the separation of inherited property must be filed with the family court having jurisdiction over the place where the inheritance commenced (Articles 2 (1) 2 b. 35, 44 subparagraph 6, and 39 of the “Family Litigation Act”).