Qualified acceptance of inheritance
Concept of the qualified acceptance of inheritance
- The qualified acceptance of inheritance refers to an expression of intent to accept the inheritance under the condition of repaying the debt and bequest of the inheritee to the extent of the property that the inheritor will acquire by inheritance.
Special qualified acceptance of inheritance
- The special qualified acceptance refers to a qualified acceptance made within three months from the date on which the inheritor who has effected the absolute acceptance becomes aware of the fact, not knowing that, without any gross negligence, the inherited liability exceeds the inherited property within three months from the date on which he/she becomes aware of the commencement of inheritance (Article 1019 (3) of the “Civil Act”).
Qualified acceptance of co-inheritors
- If there are multiple inheritors, each inheritor may effect an acceptance of inheritance on the condition that he/she will perform in proportion to his/her share of the obligations and testamentary gift of the inheritee only to the extent of the property to be acquired in proportion to his/her share of the inheritance (Article 1029 of the “Civil Act”).