Disqualified person for succession
Who is a disqualified person for succession?
- A disqualified person for succession refers to a person who is ineligible to become an inheritor, that is, a person who is placed on the order of inheritance set out under the law but is disqualified for a certain reason.
- A person who is ineligible for succession are as follows (Article 1004 of the “Civil Act”):
· A person who has intentionally killed or attempted to kill a lineal ascendant, the inheritee, his or her spouse, or any person who has priority or is in the same order of inheritance;
· A person who has intentionally assaulted a lineal ascendant, the inheritee or his or her spouse, and caused their death;
· A person who interferes by fraud or duress with a will or withdrawal of a will on inheritance of the inheritee;
· A person who, by fraud or duress, has the inheritee make a will on his or her inheritance;
· A person who forges, alters, destroys or conceals a will on inheritance of the inheritee;