Administrative Litigation
Period for Filing Lawsuit
Period for Filing Lawsuit
- A “period for filing lawsuit” is a time period in which the party subject to a disposition, etc. or a third party may lawfully file a lawsuit.
- Whether an administrative lawsuit has been filed within the period for filing lawsuit, as a requirement for litigation, falls among the matters to be investigated by the court ex officio.
- Therefore, once a suit is filed, the court conducts an assessment as to whether the period for filing lawsuit has been complied with and, if is unlawful, dismisses the suit without prejudice.
- Time limits on the period for filing lawsuit are in principle only applicable to suits for revocation, and are not applicable to suits for affirmation of nullity, etc. (Article 38 (1) of the Administrative Litigation Act).
- A suit for revocation must be filed within 90 days of the date on which there is awareness of the disposition, etc., and may not be filed once a period of one year has passed from the date of the disposition, etc. (Article 20 of the Administrative Litigation Act).
- Since the above periods of 90 days and one year are not optional, an administrative lawsuit may not be filed once either one of these periods have been exceeded.