Franchise (Franchise Agreement)
Payment of Franchise Deposit
Request to pay a franchise deposit
- In any of the following cases, a franchiser may request the head of the depository to pay a franchise deposit (Article 6-5(3) of the 「Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act」).
· When a franchisee commences his/her business
· When two months have passed since the date of execution of a franchise agreement
- When a franchiser requests the head of the depository to pay a franchise deposit, it shall not make the request by fraudulent or otherwise improper means (Article 6-5(4) of the 「Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act」).
※ Any person who requests the payment of a franchise deposit by fraudulent or otherwise improper means shall be punished through the imposition of a fine not exceeding an amount equivalent to double the franchise deposit (Article 41(4) of the 「Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act」).
Payment of franchise deposit
- Where a franchiser requests the payment of a franchise deposit, the head of the depository shall pay the franchise deposit to the franchiser within ten days (Article 6-5(3) of the 「Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act」).
- However, the foregoing shall not apply where a franchisee notifies, in writing, the head of the depository that he/she has taken a measure that falls under any of the following before the expiration of two months (Proviso to Article 6-5(3) Subparagraph 2 of the 「Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act」).
· Franchisee files a lawsuit seeking the refund of his/her franchise deposit
· Franchisee files an application for intercession, mediation, or arbitration seeking refund of his/her franchise deposit
· Franchisee reports to the Fair Trade Commission that the franchiser has violated a provision regarding the return of franchise fees