Establishment and operation of a nail salon
Business registration
Business registration method
- A person who intends to open a nail salon shall have the required facilities and equipment and submit a registration form for the commencement of business along with the following documents to the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (limited to autonomous Gu only) (First provision of Article 3(1) of the Public Health Control Act and Article 3(1) and annexed form 1 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Public Health Control Act).
· Summary of business facilities and equipment
· Certificate of completion (only applicable to those who have completed the education in advance)
· A written permission for the use of a state property pursuant to Article 14(3) of the Enforcement Decree of the State Property Act (only applicable to those who intend to operate a business at a state railroad station or military facility)
· Documents related to contracts for the use of a railroad facility with a railroad operator (including an urban railroad operator) (applicable only to those who intend to operate a business at a railroad station facility other than a state railroad facility)
Receipt of business registration certificate
- A person who has filed a report for the commencement of a nail salon business shall receive a business registration certificate immediately from the head of a Si/Gun/Gu (First provision of Article 3(3) and annexed form 2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Public Health Control Act).
Reissuance of business registration certificate
- In the event where a person who has submitted the registration form for commencement of business operations of a nail salon business loses his/her issued business registration certificate or such registration falls into disuse by normal wear and tear, thereby requiring the reissuance of the said registration, he or she shall submit an application for the reissuance of business registration certificate to the head of Si/Gun/Gu (Article 3(5) and annexed form 4 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Public Health Control Act).