Classification |
Description |
Who should be registered |
A national of the Republic ofKorea residing in a foreign country for a period of more than 90 days, orstaying in a foreign country with the intention to stay on (Article 2 of theRegistration of Overseas Korean Nationals Act). |
Where to register |
• Register by visiting anembassy, a consulate general, or a consulate annex or agency (hereinafterreferred to as the "diplomatic offices for registration") in person. • Register by mail (mail can be received in accordancewith Article 11 of the Registration of Overseas Korean Nationals Act andArticle 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act) or online < Ministry of ForeignAffairs website – Consul, Nation/Region-Travel/International ResidenceInformation – Register as a Korean national abroad> (Articles 3 and11 of the Registration of Overseas Korean Nationals Act). |
Required documents/ what to register |
Attach the following documents when submitting an Application for Registration of a Overseas Korean Nationals(Article 3 of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act, Article 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act, Article 2 and Attached Form 1 of theEnforcement Rule of the Registration of Overseas Korean NationalsAct) • Identification certificate (Subparagraph2 of Article 15(1) of the Act on Registration of Family Relations) • Documents verifying the registrant’s country of residence,such as the visa of the residing country, the seal of immigration customs, and certificateof immigration • Documents verifying the registrant’s ID, such as theresident registration card ※ Upon receipt of theApplication for Registration of Overseas KoreanNational, the head of official residence shall check the registrant’s ① visa, ② legal certificateor certified copy of the registrant’s resident registration card includingmilitary service details, and ③ documents verifying immigration details. If the applicantdisagrees with the process above, he/she shall attach a copy of the above documents(Article 2(4) of the Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act). |