National Health Insurance (Employer-sponsored Insurance)
Eligibility for National Health Insurance Through an Employer
Range of Employer-sponsored Insurance Subscribers
- All workers and employers of a business, public workers, and teachers become employer-sponsored insurance subscribers (the main sentence of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the National Health Insurance Act).
- However, individuals who fall under any of the following categories are not eligible for national health insurance through an employer (the proviso of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the National Health Insurance Act and Article 9 of the Enforcement Decree of the National Health Insurance Act):
· A day laborer with an employment term of less than one month
· An individual who is in active duty (including corporals who were appointed without applying), who has been transferred in service, or who is a candidate for a military officer's role, in accordance with the Military Service Act
· A public worker in office after being elected in an election, who does not receive monthly wages or a pay equivalent to monthly wages
· Part-time employees including those whose fixed work hours are less than 60 hours per month
· Part-time teachers including those whose fixed work hours are less than 60 hours per month
· Workers and users of a business without a set address
· An employer without employees or with only part-time employees or employees who work less than 60 hours per month
※ Related precedent case: Eligibility of day laborers in employment for over one month for employer-sponsored insurance (Supreme Court ruling 2013Du12461, October 24, 2013)
Considering the purpose of the former National Health Insurance Act (that which was in place before being fully revised to Legislation No. 11141 on December 31, 2011; hereinafter referred to as the "law"), the intent behind its legislation, and its definition of an employer and an employer-sponsored insurance subscriber, a day laborer employed by a construction business that carries out multiple construction works and employs workers at its construction sites, even if he works for a period less than one month at a single construction site, should be considered as an employer-sponsored insurance subscriber in accordance with the law if he continues his employment with the employer by working at its other construction sites over a period longer than one month.