Retirement Plans
Change of Retirement Benefit Scheme
Changing the type or the details of Retirement Benefit Scheme
- An employer who intends to change the type of the existing retirement benefit scheme to different one must obtain the consent of the labor union, to which a majority of employees are members (if no such a labor union exists, the consent from a majority of employees is required (Article 4(3) of the Act on the Guarantee of Workers’ Retirement Benefits).
- In order to modify the details of the newly selected retirement benefit scheme, the employer must seek opinions from the labor union (or a majority of employees if there is no labor union to which a majority of employees are members (Article 4(4) of the Act on the Guarantee of Workers’ Retirement Benefits).
※ However, if such details are supposed to be changed in a manner unfavorable to the employees, the consent from the labor union (or a majority of employees if there is no labor union to which a majority of employees are members) must be obtained.
- An employer, who changes the type or details of a retirement benefit scheme without obtaining the consent or the opinions from the labor union (or a majority of employees if there is no labor union to which a majority of employees are members) or each individual employee, will face a fine of up to KRW 5 million (Subparagraph 1 of Article 46 of the Act on the Guarantee of Workers’ Retirement Benefits).