Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance
Definition and Features of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance
Definition of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance
- Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance refers to a social insurance (hereinafter referred to as "industrial accident insurance") to compensate workers promptly and fairly for any occupational accident through the industrial accident compensation insurance business, to establish and operate insurance facilities necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation of workers suffering from occupational accidents and their return to society, and to carry out accident prevention projects and workers' welfare projects, etc. (Article 1 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act).
Features of industrial accident insurance
- The industrial accident compensation insurance benefits (hereinafter referred to as “Insurance Benefits”) are paid to workers regardless of the negligent conduct. Insurance benefits provide a higher coverage than other private insurances, such as accident insurance, and support various rehabilitation services, including pensions for persons with disabilities and bereaved families and additional medical treatment (Source: See p. 2 of 「2024 Manual of the Subscription and Payment of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance」, Korea Workers' Compensation & Welfare Service).
※ However, workers suffering from civil occupational accidents may receive compensation for damages only when such accidents were caused by any intentional or negligent conduct by the employer (Articles 750 and 751 of the Civil Act).
- If a worker suffering from an occupational accident has received or may receive any insurance benefit pursuant to the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the policyholder shall be exempted from liability for accident compensation, as prescribed by the Labor Standards Act for the same cause (Article 80 (1) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act).
- In principle, an employer shall pay all the industrial accident compensation insurance premiums (Article 13 (1) of the Act on the Collection, etc. of Premiums for Employment Insurance and Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance).
※ An employer and a worker shall pay half of the employment insurance premiums pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act each, respectively (Article 13 (2) of the Act on the Collection, etc. of Premiums for Employment Insurance and Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance).
- The amount of insurance benefits does not cover all the damages of an occupational accident but corresponds to the amount calculated based on the average wage (Article 36 (3) through (8) of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act).