Traffic and Driving
Violation and amount of penalty
What is a penalty?
- A ‘penalty’ is an amount of money that a violator of the road traffic regulations is legally required to pay in compliance with the notification disposition according to Article 163 of the Road Traffic Act to the National Treasury or the Depository of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (Article 162(3) of the Road Traffic Act).
- ‘Violation of the regulations of the Road Traffic Act’ refers mainly to minor violations of the traffic regulations. A driver who is found to have committed a violation shall be punished by a penalty imposed according to the type of motor vehicle (Article 162 of the Road Traffic Act, Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act, Article 93 and Attached Table 8).
- ‘Violation of the regulations’ refers to a violation falling under Article 156 or 157 of the Road Traffic Act, the scope and penalty of which are stipulated in Attached Tables 8 and 9 of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act (Article 162(1) of the Road Traffic Act, Article 93(1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act).