Overseas Koreans
Registration of Korean Nationals Living Abroad
System of Korean Nationals Living Abroad
- Registration of Korean nationals living abroad (hereinafter referred to as "Registration") is a system which registers nationals of the Republic of Korea who are residing or staying in a foreign country, for the purpose of increasing their convenience and benefits in domestic and overseas activities by gathering data on their status in order to contribute to the formation of policies for their support and protection (Article 1 of the Registration Of Overseas Korean Nationals Act).
Method of Registration



Who should be registered

A national of the Republic ofKorea residing in a foreign country for a period of more than 90 days, orstaying in a foreign country with the intention to stay on (Article 2 of theRegistration of Overseas Korean Nationals Act).

Where to register

• Register by visiting anembassy, a consulate general, or a consulate annex or agency (hereinafterreferred to as the "diplomatic offices for registration") in person.

• Register by mail (mail can be received in accordancewith Article 11 of the Registration of Overseas Korean Nationals Act andArticle 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act) or online < Ministry of ForeignAffairs website – Consul, Nation/Region-Travel/International ResidenceInformation – Register as a Korean national abroad> (Articles 3 and11 of the Registration of Overseas Korean Nationals Act).

Required documents/

what to register

Attach the following documents when submitting an Application for Registration of a Overseas Korean Nationals(Article 3 of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act, Article 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act, Article 2 and Attached Form 1 of theEnforcement Rule of the Registration of Overseas Korean NationalsAct)

• Identification certificate (Subparagraph2 of Article 15(1) of the Act on Registration of Family Relations)

• Documents verifying the registrant’s country of residence,such as the visa of the residing country, the seal of immigration customs, and certificateof immigration

• Documents verifying the registrant’s ID, such as theresident registration card

※ Upon receipt of theApplication for Registration of Overseas KoreanNational, the head of official residence shall check the registrant’s ① visa, ② legal certificateor certified copy of the registrant’s resident registration card includingmilitary service details, and ③ documents verifying immigration details. If the applicantdisagrees with the process above, he/she shall attach a copy of the above documents(Article 2(4) of the Enforcement Decree of the Registration of Overseas KoreanNationals Act).